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About Deborah

Hi, I am Deborah Brzycki and this is just one reason I love and live the tools of Access Consciousness®! It assists you in peeling away years of the points of view, identities, and judgements you’ve taken on over the years and allows you to actually BE you!

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My Hawk Friend and Chaos

Oct 4, 2022

I encountered this beautiful being twice in the past few days amidst my panic at having to have a root canal for a crown that was only 15 months old. To say that I have PTSD with the dentist is an understatement, and so having two crowns and now a root canal within 24 months set me into full blown panic. I'd felt this odd nerve pain on the left side of my face a few times since the crown, but was always relieved with a few days of ibuprofen. What I chose to ignore was my Knowing and on the day that Hurricane Ian was hitting Florida, the left side of my face swelled up. Yet, I still denied my knowing, thinking, it's just a swollen parotid gland. Of course nothing was open, I managed a tele-health visit and a course of antibiotics. I am so grateful we were spared the worst of Hurricane Ian and send whatever contribution is necessary for those hardest hit. My dentist office returned my call Thursday and got me in on Friday, no surprise, she did an exam, thinking I needed a root canal, and wanted me to see an endodontist that day. The universe works in curious ways and often things do not show up as we think they will. My dental insurance was switching plans (within the same dental insurance group) and somehow I had no coverage on that day. I set an appointment for two plus weeks out and planned to fly back to IL for the travel contract I am currently doing (another story in itself)! I woke up the next day and KNEW I needed to take care of this issue. I made the decision to delay my return to work and do an emergency appointment on Monday.

When I saw this hawk for the second time, the day of my root canal, I remembered, you have TOOLS, what is this beautiful bird trying to tell you? So, I googled and found this,


While it is very rare, sometimes a hawk can land right in front of you as you are walking outside. What does it mean if a hawk lands in front of you?

A hawk landing in front of you invites you to remain calm and slow your anxious mind in a season of chaos, fear, or high stress. This is a sign that balanced emotions are necessary for the next steps forward on your journey. Don’t let the small annoyances in life bring you down, and instead keep your focus on your long-term goal.

This may be a good time to refine your wellness routine, cut out stressors, or eliminate toxic people from your life. Getting rid of unnecessary distractions, and finding ways to stay focused should be your goal right now.

If a hawk lands in front of you, you may be in an introspective season in your life and are trying to find ways to cultivate deep fulfillment in your life that will give you long-lasting contentment. "


The tools of Access Consciousness are amazing, I am ever grateful for the myriad of them I have available, and yes, sometimes I forget to use them, and then my "lifelines" remind me.

A few I've utilized during the hurricane and tooth issue:


All of Life Comes to Me with Ease, Joy & Glory.

Acknowledgize (recognize & acknowledge)

Your Knowing is King!


I would love to share these tools with you:)

Please check out my "events":))

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